A man dear to my heart told me that his liberal hackles are up today, after yesterday's Court's ruling. I imagine most liberals' hackles are up. Mine surely are. The ruling, of course is the one removing caps/limits on the aggregate contributions a donor is allowed to give any candidate. Republicans are elated—including, no doubt, the presidential wannabes who accepted bazillionaire Sheldon Adelson's invite to Vegas, apparently to "audition" for Adelson's monetary favors. Video clips reveal more verbal bowing and scraping than I can remember hearing/seeing in my lifetime. How many times in a very few minutes can a fella drop the name of his potential benefactor? Stunning, jaw-dropping to watch grown men groveling like that.
Today all the GOP talking points include the words "free speech" and "first amendment rights." Holy hell, really?! What's happening makes no sense whatsoever to me. But for sure it "ain't good" and my blood is boiling. What do you think about the 2010 Citizens United (corporations are people) ruling and yesterday's McCutcheon ruling (individual donor cap removal)? Do share your thoughts in a comment if you will.
Gail Collins closes her NY Times opinion piece on yesterday's ruling with this:
OMGosh - I was/am so upset. What are they thinking? Not about the Constitution, for sure. The water situation in WV is the exact result of this kind of money power. Examiners look the other way. There aren't enough enforcers to enforce anything. So WV, here we come.