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You have power. Use it wisely. Make it matter.

At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.

Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Poem

I wrote this in the wee hours of morning when a coughing spell shook me loose from delicious sleep.  LL


 New Year’s Eve 2013


The Moon pays time no mind,
Waxing her way to fullness
As we earthlings ready ourselves
For a new year.

Poised on the brink of fresh starts
Over a safety net of hope,
We vow to do better, live deeper,
Wishing unwanted habits would
shed easily as old snake skins.

We repeat familiar rituals
Or invent new ones, good
Juju for visions
Of transformation—
Unlikely to manifest.

Nevertheless, we raise a glass
To noble thoughts, being better,
Doing better, unaware the
Sweetness in a single moment
Can lead to higher ground the next.

We’re waxing in our own way,
As the Moon smiles with great
Tenderness, paying time no mind.

                     ~ Lucinda Shirley


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