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Friday, September 20, 2013

Shame on the House Republicans

At a time when about 20% of our citizens go hungry regularly and rarely have food security,  Republicans in Congress decided today to take food out of the mouths of children, the elderly, the disabled and veterans.  They make up a majority of "SNAP" recipients, along with others who are unemployed or underemployed.   Way to go Republicans:  Kick the poor while they're down and struggling to get back up.  I don't see how today's action can be called anything other than cruelty.  Obviously those who voted to take away food from some of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters know little about poverty.  They continue to equate poverty with laziness.  I'm more than sick of that ongoing misrepresentation.  Excuse me—that lie.  We have had two unfunded wars which left colossal unpaid bills in America's in-box (Note: One was a war of choice and the other might also have been avoided, I believe).


Did you notice that Republicans voted overwhelmingly for subsidies for big oil and corporate farms, both industries raking in record profits; the last thing they need is a subsidy!  And they fight on behalf of the mega-wealthy one or two percent of Americans.  Amazing how hard they've fought for the rich.  So, they cut food stamps to help deal with "the deficit." Can you imagine their insulting our intelligence by pretending that this very modest food assistance will make a difference in the debt (which by the way has been significantly reduced since President Obama took office)?   How can any American not be sickened by this vote?  Cruelty, insanity, hearts of stone?  Yes!   Every person who voted for this should have to live for a month on the same income as the average person who receives food stamps.  But they won't.  And since they won't, the next best thing is to vote the bastards out.  Seriously.  Google today's vote and check out how your representatives voted.

Must get off the keyboard— but I can't get today's vote off my mind.  Here's some good information on the SNAP ("food stamps") program:

Update: Sharing on 9/22/13 -  An eye-catching headline and piece at Forward Progressives.  Appalling it is,  yet good info to have when debating one's Fox-watching acquaintances—or do we still bother to debate them?  I saw something that made me think of such debates recently:  "I was hoping for a battle of wits, but I can see you are unarmed."

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