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Monday, August 5, 2013

Gotta Say . . .

Sunday talk shows were filled with commentary on anticipated attacks by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.  Apparently an attack, or attacks, are being orchestrated out of Yemen. The "chatter" has been substantial and deemed reliable.  Reliable  enough to warrant closing—at last count—19 American embassies and consulates.  The closings will be effective until August 10, as of now.  Americans traveling anywhere in the world have been cautioned to exercise vigilance.


Republican Congressman Peter King, member of the House Homeland Security Committee, said on a Sunday talk show that the current chatter around a possible attack is the strongest and most credible since the days leading up to 9/11.   Other members of congressional committees tasked with security made similar observations.  Then there were those questioning the need for all the closings, saying the Administration has "overreacted" after Benghazi.   Excuse me?!!!  Yes, Benghazi was a tragedy, but the finger pointing and multiple Republican-engineered hearings were clearly efforts to smear the Administration.  Former Senator Rick Santorum said on "Meet the Press" that the embassy and consulate closings was just to deflect from the NSA; Jim DeMint blamed the President's weakness in foreign policy.  This President, this Administration, can do no right according to many on the right.  Mostly the criticism of the President, and obstruction of  any programs he proposes, originate in the unwritten but carefully followed "playbook" launched the day of President Obama's first inauguration: Slam Obama, stop Obama— no matter what the issue.  President Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, regardless of WHAT he does or does not do. 


I'm amazed that someone hasn't questioned why, with the same intense and credible "chatter" prior to the attacks on 9/11 (attacks even worse than Benghazi, as you recall) precautions weren't taken to protect Americans before that fateful day.    Of course there was  reorganization of  intelligence agencies after the fact, but I remember little criticism of President Bush and his administration just after 9/11.   Or significant outrage over the President ignoring the President's Daily Briefing warning Bin Laden was determined to attack the US using airplanes.  But we were unified in our shock and grief then.  United.  Not Democrats or Republicans, but Americans, in the days following those tragedies.  And Barack Obama was not president.  Do you wonder how it would have gone if he had been?


I understand it would be counterproductive to linger in this sad chapter in our history, foolish to waste time and energy with blaming.  I just wish more Republicans felt the same way about Benghazi—and about our current President.   We can only wait and see — and be grateful that this Administration is taking a serious threat seriously.

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