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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How Did I Miss This?

Okay, I'm in the middle of combing through documents and an audio tape about the "Groundswell" group, recently brought to light by Mother Jones.  Sadly, I don't have the discipline to wait to share what I'm learning.   There's information on the linked page to connect you to all the memos, other posts, etc.  that show an intentional, carefully orchestrated effort to manufacture "scandals" designed to hurt the Obama Administration. 


 Remember the media talking about that "bad week" the President and his administration had not too long ago?  Benghazi, the IRS "targeting"Tea Party groups, etc.  All that mayhem was planned and played out, apparently by this Groundwell group of right wing extremists.  Its members have been outed in articles and an audio-taped meeting.  Ginni Thomas, anti-Obamacare crusader and wife of Justice Clarence Thomas— who didn't have the personal ethics to recuse himself from deliberations on the Affordable Health Care Act and of course voted with dissenters— is actively involved with Groundswell and was present at the meeting you can hear at Crooks and Liars.   


The Groundswellers also are interested in voter suppression efforts and using a number of issues to create potential scandals.  Their talking points can be heard on the floors of the House and Senate as well as in right-wing media.  This stuff has the makings of a blockbuster movie—and from my point of view, and I would imagine yours, it would be promoted as a horror story. 


The story broke when I was away,  without cable and little time for the internet; so I totally missed it.  Apparently it was dismissed as "no big deal" at the time, but I would say it's a big deal, possibly containing a multitude of big deals within it.  Like those nesting dolls.  And no one had to manufacture this; it's happening and now out there for all to see and hear.   That is, if "all" are willing to see and recognize how much negative influence this group has had, and continues to have, in the sorry socio-political realities of our country.  Times are hard enough in our world without a well-connected group of hard-driven extremists determined to make things worse.  The Groundswell story is one of those "tip of the iceberg" revelations, something I believe merits our continued attention.  And the attention of the media.


Kudos to David Corn and Mother Jones as well as Crooks and Liars for their reporting on Groundswell.  It's heartening to see serious investigative journalism—which has not been much in evidence for a while now.  Keep up the good work, and we'll help get the word out.

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