Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook

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Saturday, June 8, 2013


(from One Million Vaginas/Facebook page)

I'll drink to that, dance to that, sing to that, campaign for that!


But first I'll suggest that we all send positive thoughts and/or prayers that the Supreme Court rules favorably to keep all aspects of the Voting Rights Act in force.  We need it as much as ever, maybe more.  The voter suppression efforts continue as if there were no such thing as "rights"—as hard gotten as voting rights were for too many Americans.   


Close your eyes and picture the announcement on the news channels— a bulletin saying the Court has ruled in favor of continuing Federal intervention when the right to vote is in jeopardy.   Feel the relief flooding through you.  See hope for future elections.  See ERACISM. 


 The Court's decision is expected this coming week. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes keeping all orifices crossed for the result we want. This fight is definitely NOT over, and it isn't just in the good ole south.
