Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook

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You have power. Use it wisely. Make it matter.

At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.

Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!

Friday, September 25, 2015

My #2 Sweetheart

He might have been my #1 at one time, but I figured he might be hard-to-get.  Can't help lovin' Pope Francis though!  Did you note the structure of his visit?  How he puts out his strong message to Congress and the American people, moves on to do the same to world leaders at the UN, goes to the site of  the horrendous 9/11 to show what "killing one another" means.  How he says his piece, hits all the right notes with great tenderness and clarity—and without scolding?   At the UN I heard him say to all delegates:  "I love each of you from my heart."  And you just know he means it.  Did you hear him asking the crowd, stretched far beyond the White House, to please pray for him...and asking those who might not be "believers" to send him good wishes?  He was recognizing that not all humans share his belief...and yet he sees and hears them, too. Does not exclude them from his good will.  

This made me laugh when I saw it on Facebook.

(This image from The Everlasting GOP Stoppers on FB)

Surely people who experienced any part of the Pope's visit must have felt great respect for this gentle, open-hearted man.  So many reasons to appreciate him and what he's all about.  Leaning out of the FIAT as far as possible to get close to the people.  Requesting to go to the 9/11 Memorial  when it wasn't on his original demanding schedule (added to schedule before he arrived in the US); there, after what would have been an exhausting day for a far younger man on Red Bull,  this 78-year-old— with one lung and a bad hip—talked with 20 survivors, spending a brief time with each of them.  Yes, I think most Americans were charmed and warmed by the Pope's visit.  Of course there were some critics (thought hard for me to imagine).  And they were, from all I can gather, Republicans or hard right wingers.  Naysayers to climate change...and most anything else.  In the address to the joint session of Congress,  he talked (along with the climate crisis in our "common home" and peace) about the sanctity of all lives; that's when Republican eyes lighted up.  When His Holiness moved almost immediately to abolishing the death penalty, they got a little twitchy.  

(Meme GOP)

Thought I'd leave you smiling with that meme.  Have a wondrous weekend!

Monday, September 14, 2015


...and we're not in some other states in our "free" country either.   We are negatively impacted by the Republican worldview, their war on women, and their votes in Congress and state legislatures...deeply impacted.  We need to VOTE, contribute, volunteer for Democrats who respect women and our rights.  Think of the Supreme Court.  Think of women's health choices.  Think of your children and grandchildren.  Daughters and granddaughters.  VOTE.  Every time the polls open.  VOTE as a woman!  VOTE as a man who respects women. VOTE!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

From 1993!

(Lee Lorenz created this clever cartoon that appeared in The New Yorker in '93.)

Have I been dreaming these past couple of months?  Sometimes it all seems real, that Donald Trump actually is running for President.  As a Republican.  And he is leading in the field of thirteen, yes 13, candidates.  Is it a dream or nightmare?  Unclear.  Either way, it has been stunning.  And sometimes entertaining.  Get this: Docta Ben Carson was in second place—definitely a nightmare.  (I think he donated his brain to a patient at some point.)  Geeeez.  

...and several months ago – even before her email mess— I had a gut feeling that Hillary won't be President.  No clue why.  Given the field of Republicans, could she not?  And then Bernie Sanders came along and knocked our socks off with his no frills, no nuance straight talk.  With policies I embrace...and policies he has embraced for years.  Nothing seems ginned up to make him electable.  (There are a few things on my Bernie wish list— including a strong stand on gun control, greater understanding of our black and hispanic communities...that's the big stuff.)  And I truly like him.  He's authentic; there is no artifice.  And that's delicious!  The crowds he's drawing have been amazing.  Yet I don't see him in the oval office.  Just don't have a sense it will come to pass.

Now I'm waiting for Joe's decision.  And my heart aches thinking of the energy, the life force it would take for him to make it a YES.  If he does, it would be next to impossible not to support him.  I'm not sure there's ever been a candidate with so much of the right stuff—his temperament, the big, inclusive heart, the good sense, and the deep experience....  Most of all, I love him.  I love him enough to be conflicted about his decision, to want what's best for him personally a little more than what might be best for America and the world.  He is with the Unions today in Pittsburgh though and apparently revved up for events there.  Soon we will know what he will do.  He wants to be sure.  But how can he be?  Grief is relentless and unpredictable.  If he runs, grief will be his partner.  Tough, tough decision.

Whatever happens, this Yellow Dog Dem will rally behind the nominee, knowing we'll be better off with any Democrat than one of the cast-of-thousands Republicans.  I want some heart and soul along with intelligence and sound mental health in my candidate.