Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook
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At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.
Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!
Thursday, November 20, 2014
I Wonder
(Image from BlueNationReview.com)
Tonight we'll hear some details from the Prez on his upcoming executive action on immigration. Republicans are now threatening impeachment and even jail time, I hear. My, my... too many uptight white males in the GOP leadership, eh?
You and I know President Obama has explored and confirmed the legality of his actions with other constitutional experts. Still, this might get very interesting very soon. Stay tuned.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Do Mid-Terms Matter?
So-called Independents and rational Republicans—and Dems who didn't vote last week, please take note. The new Senate majority is already planning the regulations rollbacks. Many and various, no doubt. Mitch McConnell said his top priority is to "get the EPA reined in." So much for being able to count on reasonable safeguards on water, food, air....everything environmental.
Mid-terms matter A lot.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
I Agree
I agree. So many accomplishments to campaign on...and yet the fear won out with too many candidates. Separating themselves from this President didn't work, did it?
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Thursday Morning Thoughts
A friend shared something to savor and share from Liberal America this morning. Here's a link. http://www.liberalamerica.org/2014/11/05/my-republican-dad-emailed-me-this-morning-this-is-my-response/
I listened to the President's press conference in the car yesterday, imagining President Bush trying to respond to 3 and 4-part questions of varying complexity. Before that, I had heard Mitch McConnell's press conference. Interesting change of attitude? with Senator McConnell. From his words and tone, it would be hard to believe his goal for six years has been to defeat any and all legislation proposed—or favored—by this President. Later, I heard the President sounding as if he believes Senator McConnell will work with him. Wouldn't it be loverly?
Must share Robert Arial's work today:
It will be interesting to hear how Friday's lunch meeting between the President and Congressional leadership goes. Sounds like the President is determined to go forward with his Executive Order on immigration. McConnell had said that would "poison the well" and be "waving a red flag in front of a bull." Hopefully, they will have a productive discussion on the subject, come up with a reasonable plan of action, and a avoid a "bull" fight. Time will tell.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
I just read a Bold Progressives assessment of yesterday's elections. Their conclusions resonated with me. It led me to think about how often I've pointed a finger at elected officials generally, and Republicans in particular, for their courage deficiency. Now the same can be said for some Democrats who have been running away from their good President and from the very principles that make us Democrats fight for the highest good of ALL Americans. I was proud of two Democratic women who ran for office here in South Carolina. They worked hard, articulated their visions clearly and ran honorable campaigns. In one instance, her opponent pulled dirty tricks at the last minute, misinformation (lies) that didn't allow time for correcting. The old Lee Atwater strategy. Neither of my candidates won—yet both were successful. South Carolina Democratic Women's Council worked hard all year; sadly, election outcomes didn't reflect their dedicated efforts.
In the national elections, it seems there was also a major lapse in communicating with the average voter. Too many voters weren't reminded of the huge gains this Administration has made in restoring a fast-collapsing economy; in getting health care for so many uninsured Americans; defending voting rights and marriage equality. Civil rights. Everyone's rights.
I wonder how many "independent" voters, or people who didn't vote yesterday, were aware of the consequences of a Republican majority in the U. S. Senate. A Senate led by Mitch McConnell. They weren't told that a senator who declares regularly that global climate change is a "hoax" will rule the committee overseeing the environment. We can anticipate weakened or repealed regulations very soon. Environmental gains will be set back decades. We can no longer count on the protection of banking and consumer finance regulations. Sadly, our economy and our personal finances are likely to feel this change. And there's so much more. Keep your fingers crossed for Social Security and Medicare. It's doubtful any Administration appointments will be approved, thus leaving a vacuum in some agencies. Good luck if there's a Supreme Court vacancy.
More states will have Republican governors, many of whom will agree with signing off on legislative actions to limit women's access to reproductive health, including birth control in some instances. Gay rights—all civil rights— are likely to suffer in those states.
Republicans are famous for ranting about government inefficiency and advocating "shrinking the government. " Legislatively, they'll now have carte blanc to ensure their fabricated complaints become truth. They'll do that by cutting funding and failing to approve appointments of qualified leaders for various agencies. (Funding case in point: Republicans refused funding increases for American embassies, then blamed the Administration because there wasn't more protection in place. Do average voters connect the dots there and realize it takes money to hire employees?! Do they know Congress is responsible for approving budgets? I don't think Democrats made that point effectively enough in the media. And I think it's time for a nationwide civics course.
The Bold Progressives analysis: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/dear-democratic-party-make-mistake-republicans-didnt-win-lost/
Now seems like a good time for deep reflection, dear Lefties. Mixed with the mourning And then we will move on, assess and repair what needs fixing. A lingering question: How do we infuse our Democratic candidates and elected officials with enough courage to BE Democrats. To be proud, bold Liberals again?
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Vote In Your Best Interest, Women!
Betty says it so I won't. But I agree. I allow for the fact that many people don't keep up with legislative/congressional voting records. Or watch Sunday morning political shows. Or C-Span. Or read a variety of news and commentary. I know: I'm a total geek. But they still need to know that Republicans are no friends to women. They'd like to take us back decades. Vote for Democrats! Hurry!
(Posted on Facebook)
Voted Yet?
Notice it's the person on the LEFT who voted. I hope there's a whole lot of that going on today!
(posted by the Coffee Party/Facebook)
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Voters: Remember the Republican Mindset
Do we want the Republican mindset and philosophy driving public policy that affects our daily lives? Unless you're a very wealthy human, the Republican agenda—whether national, state or local—cares nothing about your student loans, hungry children, or Medicare for our most vulnerable citizens. They talk a good game about Veterans' benefits and then cast votes that don't reflect that claim. They want to privatize everything (case in point, Social Security) and ruin it as they have the prison system. They loathe collective bargaining (unions) because it gives working people a fighting chance to earn a decent living; Republican supporters and lawmakers are far more concerned about their stockholders and board members' making big profits than helping out a homeless person or supporting good public schools for all children, regardless of their parents' income. Most not only do not want to raise the minimum wage, but many in the GOP would like to repeal it!
The party of the Koch brothers and Dick Cheney claim to favor smaller government, less "government interference." But all the while GOP lawmakers maneuver like mad in state legislatures and in the halls of Congress to limit women's access to reproductive health care. Remember the Republican-proposed, government-mandated vaginal probe requirement? They're beginning to see the Affordable Care Act's positive impact on most Americans who now have insurance coverage, regardless of pre-existing conditions. So, mostly they've stopped squawking about repealing the law. They're currently focused on suppressing traditionally progressive votes wherever possible. In some instances, a return to the Jim Crow mentality, blaming non-existent "voter fraud." Their dirty trick robo calls will continue to contaminate our voice mails until the polls close Tuesday. So we have our work cut out for us, dear Liberals.
(David Horsey via Daily Kos/Facebook)
I know most of you don't need reminding of these things— but too many voters who don't realize they're voting against their own best interests. Some of those low-info voters just might stumble on this site and think twice about how they vote on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, we need not only to vote, but also to contact friends, colleagues, and any family members inclined to vote for progressive candidates. So many forget or minimize the importance of voting in mid-terms. Let's not let that happen on November 4. We can offer to drive someone(s) to the polls. Make some calls; send messages. Turnout is critical for Progressives/Liberals!
This Lefty won't post tomorrow and possibly not on Election Day. Instead, I'll be networking, hoping to help in some small way with voter turnout. Join me in getting every smart voter you can to the polls. We don't want to face Wednesday knowing we could have, should have, done more.
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